Bernard de Bruce (of Connington)

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Urug'i Bruce
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Bernard de Bruce
Boshqa familiyalar of Connington

w Robert V the Competitor de Brus [Bruce] b. 1220? d. 31 March 1295

w Isabel(Изабелла де Клер Глостерская и Хертфордская) FitzGilbert (Clair) [Clare] b. 2 November 1226 d. 10 July 1264


Farzandi tug'ilishi: John Bruce (of Exton) [Bruce]

Yaqin ajdodlari va avlodlari

Eupheme de Bruce
рождение: 1195
o'limi: 1267
Isabel d'Aubigny (of Arundel)
рождение: 1203?, Arundel (England), Sussex (England)
nikoh: John I FitzAlan
o'limi: < 1240
Maud d'Aubigny
o'limi: 1210?
Mathilda Marshall
рождение: 1192, Pembroke (Pembrokeshire), Wales
nikoh: w Hugh Bigod
nikoh: w William de Warenne (5. Earl of Surrey)
o'limi: 27 March 1248, Tintern, Monmouthshire, England, Tintern Abbey, Chapel Hill
Joane Marshall
рождение: Pembroke (Pembrokeshire), Wales
nikoh: w Warin de Munchensi
Isabel Marshall van Pembroke
рождение: 9 October 1200, Pembroke (Pembrokeshire), Wales, Pembroke Castle
nikoh: w Gilbert de Clare (4. Earl of Gloucester)
o'limi: 17 January 1240, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, England, Berkhamstead Castle
Gilbert de Clare (4. Earl of Gloucester)
рождение: Earl of Hereford
рождение: 1182, Hertford (Hertfordshire), England
unvon: Earl of Gloucester
yashash joyi: Kilkenny (Ireland)
unvon: Magna Charta Surety
o'limi: 25 October 1230, Bretagne, Frankreich, Penrose
nikoh: Isabel Marshall van Pembroke
Robert V the Competitor de Brus
рождение: 1220?, Annandale, Scotland
unvon: May 1240, Lord of Annandale
nikoh: w Isabel(Изабелла де Клер Глостерская и Хертфордская) FitzGilbert (Clair)
o'limi: 31 March 1295, Lochmaben, Scotland, Lochmaben castle
janaza: Guisborough, Guisborough priory
Richard FitzGilbert (de Clare)
рождение: 4 August 1222, England, Glouchester
nikoh: Margaret de Burgh
o'limi: 15 July 1262, Canterbury (Kent), England
Isabel(Изабелла де Клер Глостерская и Хертфордская) FitzGilbert (Clair)
рождение: 2 November 1226
nikoh: Robert V the Competitor de Brus
unvon: May 1240, Lady héritière d'Annendale
unvon: 1245, Lady d'Annendale
o'limi: 10 July 1264
== 3 ==
Роберт Брюс
рождение: July 1243
unvon: VI лорд Аннандейла
unvon: 1295, граф Каррика
o'limi: <4 March 1304
Richard de Bruce
o'limi: 1285
Isabel de Brus (Wife of Sir John FitzMarmaduke)
рождение: 1249
o'limi: 1284
== 3 ==

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