Bello de Carcassonne - (Count of Carcassonne) b. hisoblan. 755 d. < 810

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Bello de Carcassonne -
Boshqa familiyalar Count of Carcassonne
Wiki-bet wikipedia:Bello of Carcassonne


hisoblan. 755 рождение:

Farzandi tug'ilishi: w Sunyer I ? (Count of Empúries) [Bellonid] d. 848

Farzandi tug'ilishi: w Guisclafred of Carcassonne [Bellonid]

Farzandi tug'ilishi: Olibia Ier - (Count of Carcassonne) [Bellonid] d. 837

790 - 810 unvon: Count of Carcassonne

< 810 o'limi:

~ 820 Farzandi tug'ilishi: Ermessende [Bellonide] b. ~ 820 d. >1 December 885


Template:Ancestry hypothesis


  1. - Wikipédia
  2. - Chapitre 3 A.1 - Le contenu est quasi vide, il tient en une seule ligne: la voici: BELLO (-[before 812]). “Bellon” is the first known count to have governed Carcassonne, and is named in documents dated after 778 and before 812.

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