Anton Franc Гедройц

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Urug'i Гедройцы
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Anton Franc Гедройц

Ignacy Гедройц [Гедройцы] b. 25 January 1797


18 December 1879 unvon: Russia, included in the princely family by the Russian authorities

Yaqin ajdodlari va avlodlari

Bonifacy Гедройц
рождение: 1760
Ignacy Гедройц
рождение: 25 January 1797
== 3 ==
Ignatij Władysław Гедройц
unvon: 4 August 1878, Russia, princely title confirmed
Kazimir Michaił Гедройц
unvon: 14 May 1880, Russia, princely title confirmed
Адольф Нікодем Гедройц
unvon: 18 December 1879, Russia, included in the princely family by the Russian authorities
Osip Ludwik Гедройц
unvon: 18 December 1879, Russia, included in the princely family by the Russian authorities
Anton Franc Гедройц
unvon: 18 December 1879, Russia, included in the princely family by the Russian authorities
== 3 ==

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